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Consular Card Application


As a rule, Cameroonians taking up residence abroad must register at the earliest opportunity at a Cameroonian Diplomatic Mission or Consulate. Upon registration, a consular card is issued.

NB: Visitors and foreign nationals are not entitled to a consular card.
Requirements to Obtain Consular Card.

  1. Download, print, and complete the Consular Card Application Form
  2. Photocopy of the passport data page.
  3. Photocopy of Residence permit or proof of legal residence.
  4. 02 passport size Photos 4 cm x 4 cm.
  5. Fees, £20.00 in cash or postal order (addressed to Cameroon High Commission).
  6. 1 Return envelope with your full address (if applicable).

Minimum waiting period two (02) weeks or 14 clears days.